mood: cold at this height
music: hear you me - jimmyeatworld ("what would you think of me now so lucky so strong so proud")
545 came and went. it's ok, right, awak? it just wasn't meant to be. we'll get it perfect when it's our turn. : )
i realized looking thru my past posts and (hey where'd my archives go?) that i don't talk much about work. now there is a reason, coz i remember signing this piece of document that had the heading of "Official Secrets Act Chapter 213". well...haveing sat for a law paper while doing mcm (and doing pretty well on it, i must say), i know what kindda trouble i can get in the public domain. also with the recent hype on bloggers, i really really don't wanna attract any unnecessary attention.
anyway...what i wanted to share today was the realities of working life. eversince i started working, the message of The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) really hit home, especially when he said the best income was one earned through a business. after all, he (s.a.w) himself was a businessman, a prosperous and honest one at that.
*sigh* such large shoes to follow.
but really...more and more people i know love (read: loathe) their jobs. sister and i was discussing (using loud tones and angry gestures) about it with mother the other days about the eccentricities of our jobs and she commented, "you kids. you've not even worked for five years and you start complaining about you jobs, your bosses..." which was kindda true. i've not reached my two year mark, and sister just got another posting, but! that does not mean that we have to put up with crap at work.
but hearing more and more horror stories, i have come to two basic ideas on work.
idea number one: it's really really really important to do what you like. make a career out of your interests, and quickly decide what you want to do. easier said than done, but when you fall into the endless chain of daily routines, the only thing that keeps you coming back is the work that you do.
which leads me to the second idea.
idea number two: the grass is only greener on the other side coz more cows have crapped on it. if you think by changing jobs you can get away from all the rubbish office politics and horrible colleagues, you're wrong. peeeps, office politics and horrible colleagues are everywhere. they exist in all organizations, at every level. if you feel like changing jobs coz you can't stand your boss or your colleague makes life hell for you, who's to say the next job won't yield the same results?
which links idea number two back to idea number one.
if you like what you do, then you will have the passion to put up with all the rubish that comes along with it, including office politics and lousy colleagues. let's face it, the office politics game is played everywhere. it's how much you want to get involved and what degree of ethics, professionalism and honesty you want to play it with.
*sigh*...personally, it's hard. it's really hard for you to keep positive all the time, especially when crap hits the ceiling and you're drowning.
alhamdulillah...luckily i have awak...he keeps me afloat.
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