Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hard Icing Cakes

mood: ache-y
music: forever - vertical horizon ("take these roses all from me let me live let me be")

monday night jogged with awak in preparation for his ippt next month.awak should do well, he's always been a figure of good health - alhamdulillah.

psst! awak, your figure...i lioke..heheheeee...

maybe all that build up of lactic acid is why i am aching till today. darn it, now have gotta run some more so i stop aching. *sigh* to run when my bed beckons me everynight! and then the tv calls for me to gaze at it for hours on end...*lol*

will be bringing toots to mak yam's place tonight. ok for those who have not seen my engagement cake and the pastry thingy, i will try and take more pics and post them up and if you wanna order, please do lemme know. this lady is a gem i tell you...where else can you find cakes with hard icing and inscriptions in JAWI?

it's a dying craft, and i feel sad that there's no one to take after her. her cakes are very reasonably priced, and in my opinion, it's better you give this sweet old lady your business then to the neighbourhood stores who also sell floss buns. and her cake designs are gorgeous and unique, not cartoons or the normal flowery designs. if you are looking for something outstanding, classy and unique, you get your cake from her.

i got scolded from a "friend" last night. she asked about my wedding preps and when i told her i've not started on any, she screamed. "BUT YOU HAVE LESS THAN A YEAR LEFT!"

i got so mad.

i actually counted to before replying, "yes i know that. but i've just finised my final exams and awak will only finish his coursework in october, so we'll get down to business insya Allah after the fasting month. right now, we're prioritizing our studies/jobs"

and you know what she said?

"tu lah...abeh kalau dah tahu nak belajar, apasal gatal sangat nak kahwin?" (losely translates into "if you know you're gonna be busy studying, then why so itchy and go and get engaged?)

i didn't even bother to justify her question with an answer.

just because i didn't have invites to my engagement doesn't mean it was blessed by the ones i treasure most. just because i didn't have a dozen hantarans doesn't mean awak and i love each other any less. just because i only wore last year's hari raya baju kurung (which i've never worn before, btw) doesn't mean my family doesn't have class.

i'm happy with my engagement. happy with the food goodies that awak and i exchanged. happy that we took the load off each other to prepare for such a small event. happy that we got the blessings and well-wishes of our families for our relationship. happy that we got our priorities right.

i'm happy, damnit!

mind your own damn business.

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