music: surah al-ankabut verse 57 ("every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back")
zul passed away on sunday. alfatihah.

he was making a right turn at a t-junction when a truck in the opposite direction came barrelling thru. both must have been going very fast in order not to have seen each other.
i knew zul. from when he was in kranji till he was in ngee ann. his sis was my senior in sec sch and we went for some alkhair camp together before. knew his dad, too; he gave us a ride to school once.
i'm feeling a bit ...weird. i didn't know him that well. in fact, didn't know him at all. just hung out with him occasionally at the atrium or bumped into him at the library. but now that he's gone, i feel i have no right to mourn for him.
i'm very sure he will be sorely missed. his family, his friends, the atrium gang. and the one girl whose life he helped changed. life is like this big jigsaw puzzle and suddenly one piece just goes missing.
God is Great. i realized at the last death i experienced (abg hakim's) that death is really a lesson not for the deceased, but for those he left behind. it is a reminder that we too someday will be bathed and shrouded and prayed for and placed in a box and buried six feet under. and we all will be held accountable for every single thing that we do while on this good earth.
if that is not enough to make us wake up and repent, i don't know what will.
'tis also a reminder for all you motorists to be careful. it's not worth it.
awak be careful ok?