Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Engaged Right Now...But Will Get Back To You, Yeah?

mood: tired...very very tired...
music: outta my head - fastball ("i was waiting for an indication but it was hard to find") the deed is done...

i have moved on to a another stage of my life. one that i know of the destination, but not sure of the path there. for sure, it will be rocky and crazy and insane. insya Allah it will be worth it.

moving on the next stage...that sort of indicates that you have left behind the previous stage yeah? did i leave it clean? did i close up all the open loops? any outstanding issues that i could have done better?

doesn't matter anymore...i think it's too late...*groan*...i'm a selfish lil' brat. i know.

the one thing i regret is losing my special angel. yes...i've lost my special angel. my special angel who was always there for me, the one i begged to catch me everytime i fall, the one who understood me and saw me inside. yeups, i lost my special angel, alright.

i know i have made my special angel disappointed. and angry. and upset. i know my special angel is hurting inside, and it hurts me just as much to know that i am the one who caused my special angel all this crap. i hate the fact that i know my special angel is hurting...yet here i am, happy and supposed to go on with my life.

my special angel, you do not deserve me. go and spread your wings far out and cast your goodness to others. continue to excel in whatever you do and touch more lives. my time has passed.

"dan mungkin bila nanti...kita kan bertemu lagi..."

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