Amir Hamza - The Birth Story
he is almost three! and before i start forgetting any details, this is the story of how he came into the world.
thurs 24 apr
lunch: went for a good lunch. my colleague casually mentioned that today i was extra neat, dusting my desk and putting away my things. : )
tea break: my neighbour pulak comment, "eh you are very neat today. your desk is not messy at all! you are making me nervous."
after dinner: feeling some cramps around my pelvic and abdomen but naively did not suspect anything. so innocent, right? continued to toss and turn the whole night through.
fri 25 apr
5am: woke up to pee. oh oh there's blood! just a bit, but but...*panic sekejap* (biasa lah, first time per...)
8am plus: heading for check-up at 10am with abi! stopped at macs to get an SME and iced milo. brother (pak supir for the day) and thither came to fetch us since she also had a check up around the same time at KKH. somewhat gleefully i updated them that hey maybe i've been having mini contractions throughout the night and my show came this morning! dropped me off at NUH and headed to KKH.
10am plus: yup, in labour! at 3cm dilated, dr biswas dispatched us upstairs to the delivery suites. the anaesthetist was there and ready to gimme my happydural. which was, until that point of time, THE MOST (and i am not exxagerating here) PAINFUL experience of my life and made me also prefer the pain of contractions that to be jabbed 8 times. hahahhah...
12pm plus: aby left for prayers, lunch and home to get our baby bag. blissfully and legally drugged, i drifted in and out of sleep, zikir-ing now and again. checked with the family too - ahaha! thither pun kena warded!
2pm: aby came back with some contraband (ice cold pokka green tea). i was not allowed any food...HUNGRY! 4 cm dilated. what!!! talked long and honestly with aby and laughed and tried to focus on what was happening.
6pm: dr biswas popped in for a quick visit. 6 cm only! time to break the water bag. now between this time and the actual birth, i lost all concept of being coz the pain was too much. they sneakily halved the happydural dosage so i'd know when to push, but for the life of me i couldn't feel anything other than pain in that general area! i remember abi holding me on one side and the nurse on the other. he kept saying, "ok dear last push. you can do it!" but it was the "last push" for probably around 100 times. oh and yeah! dr biswas pun so stern. at one point he actually said "don't cry. crying will not get you anywhere." !@#$%^&**!!
2346hrs: amir hamza came into this world. : ) both of us got cleaned up, dressed and moved to ward 96.
sat 26 apr
0912hrs: thither pun give birth finally...hello ilyas izzuddin!
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