this review rating deserves 10000 stars.

finally the long awaited movie is out and i caught it at 10 something on sunday after the cny weekend. gila kan? firstly i did not know it was released in singapore already and secondly i did not know it was playing at the cathay and cineleisure only. aiyayayayai...
i though i would cry buckets. i stuffed my bag with tissue and aby took the tissue box from the car...just in case. but suprisingly i did not cry. not when hassan was hurt, not at the orphanage scene, not when amir came back to kabul. well, i did tear at the part where amir and his father was escaping to pakistan and that horrible russian soldier "wanted half-an-hour with that lady". that scene used up half a tissue. laughing so hard when amir's dad met the russian doctor later used up the other half.
but overall i am di atas happy and satisfied that this movie did not stray very far from the book. it was 95% accurate and the screenplay writer kept the spirit and essence of the book. so unlike da vinci where the movie totally mised the point.
ticket value: worth buying the DVD box set.
best line in the movie - hassan : "but couldn't he have just smelt an onion?"
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