mood: that startling clarity and peace that you feel just seconds before you jump off a cliff
music: peterpan's been on my replay mode for the past two weeks...whaddaya expect?
yes...i know. i have been uber lazy in updating this blog. but it's just because i like going to my blog and seeing the boys smile. call me delusion. so what else is new?
anyway....things have pretty much settled from the insane december i had. with the aceh trip, the peterpan concert, the sin ming interviews and all the crazy times with awak settling home issues...i needed some time to recoup and take stock of year 2006.
i wish for time. so true that He said we are all in loss "except such as have Faith and do righteous deeds and (join together) in the mutual Teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy."
i wasted so much time in 2005. hindsight is 20-20 after all. i never noticed the stupidity of my actions until now. so many other things i could have done, would have achieved...all gone down the drain thanks to my own shortcomings.
well...beverly knight sang "shoulda woulda coulda were the last words of a fool" this year i plan to not be a fool. this gives you (yes you...the one reading this right now) the permission to call me a fool should you see me doing something err...fool-ish.
dear God, perhaps all this time i have been praying for the wrong things. this time, i won't pray for a lighter load. i pray for a stronger back.
1 comment:
U know, u should really go jump a cliff. Not kill yourself but something like bunjee jumping or airborne when u go M'SIA the next time.
I think its an excenllent form of stress reliever.
And whats the deal abt thinking at past mistakes. Chill sis, Think big picture (Not the peterpan picture in your room), I mean think of the future and try to get things right this time. Thats a cool way to move on.
ps: I still think im better in english ... although i concede i lost out to you in scoring.
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