Monday, June 30, 2008

"Dia Marah Marah Dia..."

"Dia Marah Marah Dia..."

"saya selalu benar, saya tak buat nakal, saya in si [insert name here], seorang berakal..." - nenek roy.

don't get me started on the "dia marah marah dia..."

hamza will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. how time flies! i'm much better with him now, coz we're finally getting the hang of each other. i know his cries, and can pretty much isolate the manja - nak - dokong - cry, the i'm - hungry - feed - me - now! - cry and the i'm - really - sleepy - but - lawan - mata - cry. that's about it. there's no cry for when he's dirtied his diaper. i'll know when that happens when he's suddenly very quite and looks kinda funny and then three minutes later, i can smell him. sheesh!

hamza and his abi sleeping the day after he was born.

hamza and his abi sleeping now.

my babysitting woes have been solved, alhamdulillah. through getting to know neighbours around the area, we found a family we're comfortable with. today is only the sixth day that hamza is there, but so far so good. the makcik didn't really believe me when i cautioned her of how loud and alarming hamza's cries would be...well, she believes me now!

sappy story alert! the sunday before we were supposed to send hamza for the first time, i was busy preparing all the harta karun that he might need. milk, clothes, diapers, bottles, etc...and hamza was behaving so well! such a good boy, smiling and gurguling away with me and his abi. macam nak ajak berbual. and when the morning came, we sent him there and he immediately fell asleep! i passed the instructions to the makcik and left in a rush. and cried all the way down to the first floor. *sob* *sob* *sniff* *sniff* *baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawls!!!!!!*

in my mind i was thinking, "it's not fair! how come she doesn't have to work!? how come I have to work?! how come I can't take care of him?! how come she gets all his smiles and his laughs and his chuckles?! how come she gets to bathe him?! how come she gets to feed him?!"...irrational thoughts they may be...but all the same, i felt really really really bad. aby just hugged me and said "alah, just think of it as if we left him at rumah mak, lah. you go home and sleep."

the second we reached home i rooted in the laundry basket for the clothes hamza wore yesterday still smelling of milk, baby powder and minyak yu-yi and crawled into bed - where i must say i had the nicest uninterrupted nap i've ever had in a loooong time. heh. ok so i've cried the one time. the token cry to cukupkan syarat. : ) now, i'm really really thankful that i know cik tina is taking good care of him. at least, i can go back to work knowing he is in safe hands.

talking about going back to work...yes...i'm supposed to return this week. *groan!!!!!!!!* probably tomorrow or thursday, i haven't really decided yet. i've told them i won't come back on a monday, knowing how insane mondays can be. so many changes have happened while i was away, i hope i won't take too long to catch up. one part of me really wants to get lost in the world of diaper changing, singing silly rhymes and making baby faces with hamza. the other part also wants to go back to the corporate world and make things happen. sigh...of course it's possible to do both. mother did it, thither's doing it, many mothers do you know are working full time? i guess it's a dilemma that all full time working moms face.

aby...quick! earn at least 7k/month! then i can retire and be a stay-at-home-mom!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

He Dies?! HE DIES?!?!

He Dies?! HE DIES?!?!


i was gobsmacked shocked last night. i cried! suddenly!

i did not see that coming at all! I would have never guessed that the sherrif was dirty and will kill him. nothing could've prepared me for the last scene and watching him die, i wanted to pick up the phone and call 999...di atas sedih seh!

Watch The Video Here!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

OK Just Stop It!

ok that's it!

i'm giving FACE to FACEBOOK coz i'm truly tired of all the invites i've been receiving and it seems like the whole world is on FACEBOOK except me!!!

so now i'm on FACEBOOK.

are ya happy now, FACEBOOK?!?!?!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mommy Wow! I'm A Big Kid Now!

Mommy Wow! I'm A Big Kid Now!

heh...not that big yet. currently he's doing this...

which gives me time to sit down and blog for about five minutes. but anytime now he could wake up and demand attention by looking like this...

although after that he will reward me with this...

he's been going out a lot. on good days me and and thither will get the boys up and go places, well...places that are stroller-friendly at least. and yes, the whole lot of us, thither, me, ilyas and hamza and when brother is not working, do look quite a sight.

"But The Sister and I did venture out to get ourselves some caffeine fix (poser aje these 2 non-coffee drinkers) at the newly-halal Coffee Bean. We had the luck of dragging The Brother along, and as expected, got our fair share of “Congratulations” and “Twins eh?” and looks which say “Wah-this-guy-very-terror-ah-got-2-wives-and-2-babies-at-the- same-time”. What else will they think when they see a malay guy with 2 malay women with 2 strollers… muahahaha!": ->thither's blog.

on fifth june we took him to get circumcised at the place brother works at. poor lil fella. he has no idea what's about to be done to him.

*gerun*...aku tengok aku yang seram. i thought he was going to scream bloody murder, thankfully syukur alhamdulillah, he slept thru the entire thing! even when the painkiller was first injected.

he's ok now, that cincin-thingy has dropped off yesterday and he doesn't appear to have any complications. he was so well behaved, we took him to ECP for some fresh sea breeze.

and tu nangis pasal nak pergi swimming lah. hehehe!
we've also collected his passport! may he be as kaki-jalan as the rest of the waris lani are. : )

so dapat passport ajer terus pergi amik nenek and head on down to T3 for some popeyes.

he's pretty tired out from the whole weekend, he sleeps better now. so when he's doing this...

aby and i try to get some sleep ourselves.

on another note, i'm trying to train him to sleep thru the night, well at least from midnight to about six. the longest he's ever slept is about 5 hours, but i'm going back to work at the end of the month and i totally cannot face work+boss_with-OCD with insufficient sleep. hope to get his routine down before that. luckily aby is a light sleeper, and will wake up with me to help with night feeds, although burping is still my primary duty. i also have babysitting blues that i have to resolve asap (will rant more in another entry) if i want to go back to work with a clear head and a peaceful heart.

know of any malay/muslim babysitter living around choa chu kang north six?