"Saya Bagi Saya Satuuuuuu O!"
for this year's Ramadan, i give my self 1 "O" .
yes...i am feeling that post-ramadan blues. that immense feeling of regret that decends upon you as soon as you hear the takbir on malam raya. aby and i takbir-ed at our house from after maghrib to isyak coz aby's dad said "rumah baru bagus sambut syawal dengar takbir dan al-fatihah". as i sat next to aby takbir-ing away, a thought came to my head.
"i must be the most stupidest of His servants! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! so silly bafoon, skarang kau baik doa yang Dia panjangkan umur kau to meet next year's Ramadan!"
then i cried lah of course. so emo right? firstly it was a major bummer that the time of the month fell on the 21st night to the 27th night. i could only do terawih and qiyyam the last three nights. then with work and all, i never even manged to memorize surah yasin, which i said i was gonna do every Ramadan since 2003, by the way. so i have been a bad girl this Ramadan, so macam tak nak raya like that. but i pray that He gives me the blessings for my efforts and may i meed more Ramadans.
after that we went to mak cck house to eat the real buka stuff: ketupat, lontong, rendang, ayam masak merah, sambal goreng and seronding. so sedap. let's see...shall i gain back the 5kg i lost in september and october? i think i shall.
ps: that solitary "O" i award myself up there is for waking up every morning before aby to prepare food and tea for aby's sahur. even then, some nights the tea was a bit tawar. so actually i should only get HALF an O!